xShop are available from now.(Press "X" in safe zone)
Auction event #1
Auction event will take place on 23.03.2024 at 20:30 the currency will be silver coin available in drop from midnight.Auction date: 23 March at 20:30 (Saturday)Auction location: Devias church (command /event)Auction currency: Silver CoinTotal Auctions: 10 ingame items (Secret until auction begin)Reminder of the rulesEveryone can only bid alone (Cannot be stacked with other characters)To bid you must be in the church (/event)The bidding currency changes weeklyAs always one character can bid alone (Can't bid together with other players). Who bluffs will bear the punishment.
18th edition started! Enjoy the game and experience best moments!The most important information:Premium account are available from the beginning.xShop will open on Monday at midnight. (17/03/2024 00:00)The first battle for the castle siege will take place 07/04/2024.The duration of this edition is at least half a year!
There is few hours before start!I would like to take this opportunity to describe the upcoming changes in this edition.