Auction event #7
Auction event will take place on 03.02.2024 at 20:30 the currency will be green skull available in drop from midnight.Auction date: 03 Febuary at 20:30 (Saturday)Auction location: Devias church (command /event)Auction currency: Green SkullTotal Auctions: 10 ingame items (Secret until auction begin)As always one character can bid alone (Can't bid together with other players). Who bluffs will bear the punishment.
Auction event #6
Auction event will take place on 27.01.2024 at 20:30 the currency will be pink skull available in drop from midnight.Auction date: 27 January at 20:30 (Saturday)Auction location: Devias church (command /event)Auction currency: Pink SkullTotal Auctions: 10 ingame items (Secret until auction begin)As always one character can bid alone (Can't bid together with other players). Who bluffs will bear the punishment.
We are late! Sorry. Here are the rewards for the previous editionsCongratulations! Below ranking with rewards.
Auction event #5
Auction event will take place on 20.01.2024 at 20:30 the currency will be blue skull available in drop from midnight.Auction date: 20 January at 20:30 (Saturday)Auction location: Devias church (command /event)Auction currency: Blue SkullTotal Auctions: 10 ingame items (Secret until auction begin)As always one character can bid alone (Can't bid together with other players). Who bluffs will bear the punishment.